More than half of the companies surveyed (52%) have concrete plans to get started within 12 months with DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC), a technology that secures the DNS traffic of an organization. DNSSEC ensures that a visitor to a website knows for certain that he will not be redirected to another, often malicious, website. A quarter of the organizations want to postpone implementation for more than a year, the other companies have no plans or have not thought about it. IPv6 is also higher and higher on the agenda of many companies. In the survey, 43 percent of respondents said they would use the new generation of IP addresses within six months. Another 28 percent have the implementation planned within a year. The majority (65%) will continue to use IPV6 and the current generation of IP addresses (IPv4) next to each other, through dual stack technology. This is not strange, since IPv4 is expected to be used for at least the next ten to twenty...